
Bed adhesion problems? Do this!

3d printer bed adhesion problems? Do this!

I know everyone says to clean the 3d printer build plate if you have bed adhesion issues, but it seems like a lot of people are still doing it wrong. I’ll tell you how I do it and I’ve never had any problems with my old Prusa MK3 or with my Bambu Lab printers (except the one time I was excited to get a new printer and totally forgot to clean the build plate).

First, you need to understand that dishwashing liquid removes oils and sugars! Isopropyl alcohol only removes oils and light grease. Therefore, it is important to use both if the build plate has adhesion problems.

1. Use the correct dishwashing liquid. Avoid “sensitive” or new fancy stuff. If it says it’s good for your hands than most probably it’s bad for your build plate because it contains oils, lotions, etc. that will create adhesion problems. Always look for the “classic” one without any special ingredients. I use the cheapest one available.

2. Using the rough side of a kitchen sponge, dishwashing liquid and water, clean the build plate thoroughly in the sink. Then dry it with a cloth or towel. Only touch the sides with your hands.

3. Put some 99.9% isopropyl alcohol on the smooth side of a clean kitchen sponge and wipe the build plate with it. You can also use the rough side for the textured build plate to get into the crevices. Do not use paper towels, they leave lint behind. That’s it, nothing fancy. From now on, only use the sponge and 99.9% isopropyl alcohol. The dishwashing liquid procedure every now and then.

However, avoid touching the build plate with your bare hands, because if you have sugar on your hands, the alcohol will not be able to remove it and you will have to thoroughly clean the plate again. Hope that makes sense. Have fun printing!

Bambu Lab Build Plates
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